Your scooter is a recreational scooter and is to be used for improving mobility in your daily activities such as
walking. It is not a medical scooter or medical and does not and is not intended to provide medical benefits,
medical assistance, medical therapy, or treat or alleviate any medical condition or disability.
Quick-Start Warnings
The below warnings and instructions caution against some activities. Reviewing this list is not a substitute for
reading the entire Manual. Use common sense when operating your scooter.
Do not disassemble your scooter on your own.
Avoid touching hot parts of your scooter during or after operation.
Avoid touching hot parts of your scooter that may have become hot from exposure to sunlight.
Do not touch any chemicals in the scooter.
Keep your hands and other body parts away from moving parts of the scooter.
Do not operate the scooter with any loose clothing or dangling which wires which could become trapped in
the wheels or other moving components of the scooter.
Do not use any battery which is not approved by eWheels for use with your scooter.
Do not allow children to play on the scooter or use it without supervision.
Single-person scooters should only be used by one person at a time.
Do not operate the scooter while under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other medications which may
impair your ability to operate a vehicle.
Do not operate the scooter while using a mobile phone or other mobile device.
Do not operate your scooter if it is not functioning properly.
Never try to operate your scooter beyond the its limitations as described in the manual.
Size and Weight Limits
Your scooter was designed to accommodate users up to a specified size and weight. As each scooter is designed
and rated differently, en
sure you check your particular scooter model’s limits. Periodically check your weight
against your scooter’s limits, as your weight may fluctuate over time. Ensure other users of your scooter are within
the weight limits. Operation of the scooter by a user over the weight limit can damage the scooter and can cause
hazardous situations, including increased braking distances and times, decreased steering responsiveness, tip-
overs, and other dangers which may cause injury. Further, modifications which increase the riding height of the
scooter, which raise the user’s riding height on the scooter, or which otherwise change the center of gravity of the
scooter can damage the scooter and cause the hazardous situations identified above. eWheels is not responsible
for damage to the scooter or personal injury caused by exceeding weight limitations or modifying the center of
gravity of your scooter. Do not adjust your seat while the scooter is in motion or operating.
General Operation
Safety Belt
If your scooter is equipped with a safety belt, use it all times when seated in the scooter. Do not operate your
scooter without wearing the safety belt. Have the belt replaced by an authorized repair technician if the safety belt
becomes frayed, cut, or shows other signs of wear or damage.
General Operation - Mirrors