It is recommended that you consult
with your authorized dealer for
installation and adjustment of the
remote control device.
Installation of the Remote Control
Cables (Box side) :
Follow the instruction manual pro-
vided with the remote control.
Installation of the Remote Control
on your boat :
Follow the instruction manual pro-
vided with the remote control.
Installation of the Remote Control
Cable (engine side) and the Cord
Assembly (Wiring Harness) :
Fitting of connecting parts to ca-
Screw the tip of the remote control
cable into the cable joint up to
approx. 10 mm (0.39 inch), then lock
them with a lock nut. Apply grease to
the hole of the cable joint.
Fitting of Remote Control Cable to
2. Installing the remote control devices
Cable joint
Approx. 10mm
(0.39 inch)
Remoto control cable
Lock nut
Put the control lever in the Neutral
position and the Free Accel lever in
the fully closed position.
Cable Harness
Throttle Cable
Shift Cable
Confirm the engine shifts correctly when
the shift lever is placed in Forward
and Reverse position. also confirm
the throttle valve is closed at idle, in
Neutral, Forward, and Reverse. Confirm
the throttle valve is fully open when in
Forward at the wide open position.
Be careful not to loop remote control cables
to diameter of 406 mm (16 inches) or less.
When using other than Evinrude's genuine
remote control box, DO NOT select the
one without neutral safety switch that
prevents in-gear start.
Use of remote control box without neutral
safety switch can allow start of engine with
gear at other than neutral shift, potentially
leading passengers to falling or causing
passenger to be thrown overboard.
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