Rev 05.03.2021
Cleaning the PID Lamp
Inspection of the lamp may reveal a layer of contamination on the detection window that
presents itself as a 'blue hue.' To check for contamination, hold the lamp in front of a light
source and look across the window surface. To avoid contaminating the sensor and
affecting accuracy, do not touch the lamp window with bare fingers. You may touch the
body of the lamp with clean fingers.
NOTE! Always use the recommended cleaning kit to clean the lamp.
PID lamp cleaning kit
The vial of the cleaning compound contains alumina (CAS Number 1344-28-1) as a very
fine powder. Please contact your Seller for a full material safety data sheet MSDS.
Key safety issues are identified below:
Hazard identification: May cause irritation of the respiratory tract and eyes.
Storage: Keep container closed to prevent water absorption and contamination
Do not breathe in the powder. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, and clothing;
Wear suitable protective clothing;
Follow industrial hygiene practices: Wash face and hands thoroughly with soap
and water after use and before eating, drinking, smoking, or applying cosmetics.
The powder carries a TVL (TWA) limit of 10 mg/m
PID lamp cleaning instructions:
Open the container of the alumina polishing compound;
With a clean cotton bud, collect a small amount of the powder;
Use this cotton bud to polish the PID lamp window. Use a circular action, applying
light pressure to clean the lamp window. Do not touch the lamp window with
Continue polishing until an audible “squeaking” is made by the cotton bud moving
over the window surface (usually within 15 seconds);
Remove the residual powder from the lamp window with a clean cotton bud. Care
must be taken not to touch the tips of cotton buds that are to be used to clean the
lamps as this may contaminate them with finger oil.
Ensure the lamp is completely dry and remove any visible signs of contamination
before refitting.