EVGA Z590 DARK (122-RL-E599)
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specifics, and Page Error! Bookmark not defined. for control options in
38. Rear Panel IO (Figure 2)
This is the section referred to as the I/O Hub. This panel contains the
hardwired USB, Sound, and Ethernet connections. Please see Page 16 for a
component level breakdown.
* There are two numeric references for PCI-Express: one is mechanical (the physical
length on the motherboard), while the second is electrical (the number of PCIe lanes
available to the slot from the CPU, PCH, or both).
PCI-Express was designed to be universal; e.g. you can install x1 devices, such as sound
cards or USB controllers, into an x16 slot. Similarly, some applications might only use
certain parts of a device (e.g. compute apps), requiring only a single PCIe lane to
accomplish its task without affecting performance. This is why there are x16 mechanical
slots with an x1 electrical PCIe lane. Using the entire length of a PCIe slot is
unnecessary, nor does it cause an adverse effect to use a shorter form-factor bus card in
a slot that physically can hold a larger form-factor bus card.