no useful purpose. Pain does not begin until coded message trav-
els to the brain where it is decoded, analyzed, and then reacted
to. The pain message travels from the injured area along the small
nerves leading to the spinal cord. Here the message is switched to
different nerves that travel up the spinal cord to the brain. The pain
message is then interpreted, referred back and the pain is felt.
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation is a non-invasive, drug-
free method of controlling pain. TENS uses tiny electrical impulses
sent through the skin to nerves to modify your pain perception.
TENS does not cure any physiological problem; it only helps control
the pain. TENS does not work for everyone; however, in most pa-
tients it is effective in reducing or eliminating the pain, allowing for a
return to normal activity.
There is nothing “magic” about Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve
Stimulation (TENS). TENS is intended to be used to relieve pain.
The TENS unit sends comfortable impulses through the skin that
stimulate the nerve (or nerves) in the treatment area. In many cas-
es, this stimulation will greatly reduce or eliminate the pain sensa-
tion the patient feels. Pain relief varies by individual patient, mode
selected for therapy, and the type of pain. In many patients, the
reduction or elimination of pain lasts longer than the actual period of
stimulation (sometimes as much as three to four times longer). In
others, pain is only modified while stimulation actually occurs. You
may discuss this with your physician or therapist.
Electrical Muscle Stimulation is an internationally accepted and
proven way of treating muscular injuries. It works by sending elec-
tronic pulses to the muscle needing treatment; this causes the mus-
cle to exercise passively.
It is a product derived from the square waveform, originally invent-
The Comfy Stim is a battery operated pulse generator that sends
electrical impulses electrodes to the body and reach the nerves and
underlying muscle group. This unit is a combination stimulator of
TENS and EMS which can be used for muscle stimulation and pain
relief. The device is provided with two controllable output channels,
each independent of each other. An electrode pair can be connect-
ed to each output channel. The intensity controls are protected by
a cap to avoid accidental touch. The settings are controlled by press
The TENS/EMS device users are adults from the general public, ie
lay users with no specific health literacy or medical training. They
however likely have experience with a TENS/EMS device and some
knowledge of the TENS/EMS (muscle stimulation, unit, etc).
This TENS/EMS is suitable for use by all healthy adults; however,
as with other forms of exercise, some care is needed when using it.
Always follow the guidelines below and read the instruction manual
before use.
The unit can deliver a strong signal to your skin, so although it may
be used by all healthy adults, it should only be used on healthy, un-
injured skin.
Pain is a warning system and the body’s method of telling us that
something is wrong. Pain is important; without it abnormal condi-
tions may go undetected, causing damage or injury to vital parts of
our bodies.
Even though pain is a necessary warning signal of trauma or mal-
function in the body, nature may have gone too far in its design.
Aside from its value in diagnosis, long-lasting persistent pain serves