get into it!
Water balance is the interrelation of factors that
determine the quality of the spa water. The effec-
tiveness of chemicals and other additives are
dependent on all these factors working together or
“in balance”. The primary elements to water
balance are sanitizing, monitoring pH and alkalinity
levels, and oxidizing or shocking.
It’s important to understand that a spa is not just a
“small swimming pool” and that the care of a spa
needs to be handled differently. In addition to the
fact that a spa is kept at a temperature of up to
104°F (40°C) and pool chemicals are designed for
cool water, the ratio of people per gallon in a spa is
also very different. Four people in a spa is the
equivalent of having 200 people in a typical back-
yard pool. This increased “bather load” increases
the residue from soaps, perfumes, body oils,
cosmetics, and other contaminants.
Always use
water treatment products designed for spa
Sanitizing Methods
The use of an ozonator (option) greatly reduces
the amount of chemical sanitizer you need in the
water. Ozone works by delivering activated oxygen
gas into the spa water via an ozone injector fitting.
The ozone gas combines with contaminants to
sanitize the water. Although sometimes promoted
as a stand-alone chemical free alternative, we
recommend that you maintain a small residual of
chlorine or bromine in the water while using any
ozone system. Supplementing the water with
sanitizer controls and prevents bacteria growth.
Instead of the normal 3 - 5 ppm of sanitizer recom-
mended, you only need to maintain a 0.5 ppm level
of chlorine or bromine when using an ozonator.
Alkalinity acts as a buffer to prevent the pH level
from changing as other substances are added to
the water. Proper alkalinity is directly related to the
stability of the pH. The alkalinity should be between
80 - 120 ppm. Alkalinity levels below 80 ppm make it
very difficult to stabilize the pH level. Levels above
120 ppm may increase pH levels and cause cloudy
water, scaling, and decreased efficiency of the
spa care and enjoyment guide
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