Single Channel J2K Encoder/Decoder
Revision 1.0
Page - 13
Syslog Configuration
Syslog is a valuable tool for debugging the device operation. It is essentially serial readouts over IP,
sent to a dedicated server. If issues are present, Evertz can help install and setup a syslog server for
constant monitoring of the device activity.
External Syslog:
This parameter allows the user to enable or disable sending syslog information to the
configured external server.
Syslog Server IP:
This parameter allows the user to assign the external syslog server IP address. This
will be the address of a PC with the syslog server software installed (ex Kiwi Syslog Server).
Data Port Control
(must reboot in order for new settings to take effect)
IP Address:
This control allows the user to set the IP address on the Data Port. This control will also
display the currently set IP address.
This control allows the user to set the Netmask for the Data Port IP address. This control
will also display the currently set Netmask.
This control allows the user to set the Gateway for the Data Port. This control will also
display the currently set Gateway address.