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Emergency help notify
Unauthorized Phone Number
Requirements Not Allowed
Alarm call
The Phone Call Confirmed
Duress code
(Note 6)
Duress code is sent
(Note 6)
Signal has been jammed
Maximum length for telephone numbers is 20 digits. Only numbers 0 –
9 and “,” can be used. For example, phone number 0222606868 with
extensions 1234 will be input as: “0222606868,1,2,3,4”. If the length
exceeds 20 digits, only the first 20 digits will be saved, and the rest will
be deleted.
Note 2:
Maximum length for Zone Names and Tag Names is 24 characters
(letters and numbers. No Chinese). If the length exceeds 24 characters,
only the first 24 characters will be saved, and the rest will be deleted.
Note 3:
This language is currently unavailable.
Note 4:
Do NOT add or delete spaces or other symbols, or change Title
content, as SMS configuration may fail if those are changed. For
example, when setting Zone1 Name, the zone name must be entered
under Title (not after). Please refer to the examples listed above.
Note 5:
Only the host mobile phone number can use the SMS function.
Note 6:
Special condition SMS will only be sent to the host mobile phone
Note 7:
Two Way Talk and Listen In must be picked up within 25 seconds, or
the host will end the call. A failure SMS will be sent if dial back is
Note 8:
Send a SMS “???” from an authorized mobile phone number to
receive the host model number and software version.
5. Troubleshooting
5-1 System Reset:
The user may use the system reset button to return the device to factory
default settings. The default password is “1234”. Please note that all
configurations (including recorded alarm messages, contact lists, and
learnt ID codes will be deleted):
Take the device off the wall.
Remove all power sources (including batteries and DC-jack).
Press the reset button on the back of the device and insert the
batteries (or DC-jack).
The LED will turn on to indicate the system is starting. 5 short beeps
will sound when the system is reset to factory settings.
5-2 The USC423A cannot register with a GSM host (GSM Net LED
flashes rapidly):
SIM card not inserted or bad contact.
SIM card needs to be unlocked before use (use a mobile phone to
setup) to cancel the input of PIN code or PUK code.
Change the position of the USC423A.
Remove AC power and batteries and insert the SIM card again.
Make sure the SIM card is not expired.
5-3 Authorized SMS mobile phone number cannot be configured
or receive SMS:
a. The Show Caller ID function of the mobile phone with the SIM card
must be turned on. The host can then determine if the number was
b. Only phone numbers set as the Admin user (Host phone number) may
configure parameters such as Voice, SMS, Speed Dial numbers, delay
time, Siren, volume, and starting time. Normal SMS numbers will not
be accepted.
c. If GSM is busy or has bad signal, the SMS may be delayed or not sent.
d. When operating SMS from a mobile phone, please wait for the