STEP 7 (See Diagram 7)
A.) Attach the Leg Developer (#4) to the bracket on the top of Main Seat Support (#1).
Secure it with one Axle (#16), two M10x ¾” Allen Bolts (#43), and ؾ” Washers (#48).
B.) Insert one Foam Roll Tube (#15) halfway through the hole on the Main Seat Support.
Insert two Foam Roll Tubes halfway through the holes on the Leg Developer. Push six
Foam Rolls (#18) onto the Tubes from both ends. Plug six Foam Roll End Caps (#31)
into the Ends.
C.) Attach the Arm Curl Pad (#27) to the Arm Curl Stand (#9). Secure it with two M8 x 5/8”
Allen Bolts (#52) and Ø 5/8” Washers (#49).
D.) Insert the Arm Curl Stand into the top opening on the Main Seat Support. Use a M12
Lock Knob (#36) to hold the Arm Curl Stand in desired position.
E.) Attach the Bar Holder (#57) to the Leg Developer and secure it with a L-shaped Pin
(#30). Place the Curl Bar on the Bar Holder for Arm Curl exercises. Remove the Pin,
Bar Holder, Bar and Arm Curl Stand when doing Leg Developer exercises.
F.) Attach an Olympic Sleeve (#56) to the weight post on the Leg Developer. Attach a
Spring Clip (#19) to the Sleeve.