Per Port Counter
Port Counter
This page provides port counter of each port. There are 4 categories: Receive Packet & Transmit
Packet/ Transmit & Collision / Receive Packet & Drop /Receive & CRC error. Once you change the
counter category, the counter will be cleared automatically.
Transmit packet & Receive packet: This category shows both the received packet count
(excluding the incorrect packet) and the transmitted packet count.
Collision Count & Transmit packet: This category shows the packets outgoing from the switch
and the count of collision.
Drop packet & Receive packet: This category shows the number of received valid packet and
the number of dropped packet.
CRC packet & Receive packet: This category shows the received correct packet and received
CRC error.
Clear: Press “clear” will clear all counters.
Refresh: Press “Refresh” button will aggregate the number of the counter for all ports.