7. Quick Archive
Press and hold a single button to copy the previous 10 (or 20, 30,
60, 90) minutes of video prior to the current time for all cameras
, even if front panel keys are locked.
Leave a blank DVD in the drive in case of events/emergencies. At the DVR,
press and hold the COPY key; a beep will sound and the process begins;
DVR will beep again on completion and DVD ejects. Give the DVD to the
authorities when it ejects (DVR automatically copies player software onto
media as well). Copies to USB (if present) first, even if a blank DVD is present.
If insufficient space is available for then entire requested time, it fills available
media, ending at the current time.
Interval is set in the DVR Configuration Menu on the Quick
Archive screen. From the web interface, in the COPY menu
on the Quick Archive screen, choose interval from drop down
menu, and choose LOCATION for copy. “Remote” means
Quick Copy over the network onto the HDD of the PC; “Copy at DVR” has the same result as if the
Quick Copy had been started at the DVR (as above) and the copy goes onto the USB or DVD in
the DVR!
8. Copy at DVR
function -
copies video to the USB or DVD at the DVR from a remote location
In addition to the Quick Archive described in #6 above, from the standard IE web interface you can
avoid having to copy GB of data across a slow WAN connection and write video onto media AT
THE DVR regardless of where you are
. Just
set up an on-demand COPY at your PC, but
choose “Copy at DVR” to write the video
onto the USB or DVD AT THE DVR!! The
choice of “Remote” copies the video to the
PC, as before.