Valid data length in Payload (1~16), is command length.
For example, when valid data length is 16 byte
Byte 2 : 0x00
Byte 3 : 0x10
Controller will save sequence number of each command, when one command sent, the sequence
number of the command will add 1, when the sequence number becomes the max value, it will
change to 0 for next time. The peripheral equipment will save sequence number of each command,
and return the sequence number to the controller.
According to Payload type, the following data will be saved.
VISCA command
Save VISCA command packet
VISCA inquiry
Save VISCA message packet
VISCA reply
Save VISCA return packet
VISCA device setting command
Save VISCA equipment setting command packet.
Control command
The following data is saved in control command payload
Controlled reply
The following data is saved in return command payload of control command.
Delivery confirmation
VISCA over IP uses UDP as transmission communication protocol, UDP communication message
transmission is not stable. It is necessary to confirm delivery and resent in application.
Generally, when controller sends a command to peripheral equipment, controller will wait for the
return message then send the next command, we can detect and confirm if the peripheral equipment