Rev. 07/21/14
stroke over the pre ced ing stroke, making sure the spray is smooth
and wet.
Using the lowest possible atomizing air pres sure will reduce
overspray and provide max i mum ef fi cien cy.
Proper han dling of the gun is essential for ob tain ing a good finish.
The gun should be held at a right angle to the sur face being cov ered,
and moved par al lel with it. For precise con trol of the gun and
material, the trigger should be re leased before the end of the stroke.
Hold the gun from 6 to 12 inches away from the surface depending
on ma te ri al and at om iz ing pres sure. For a uniform finish, lap each
For maximum transfer efficiency, do not use more air pressure than is necessary to atomize the material being applied.
1. Install the air pressure gauge at the gun handle and replace the air cap with the Air Cap Test kit (RSTK58 sold separately)
2. When the spray gun is triggered on, adjust the incoming air pressure to the desired setting 36-43 psig in order to provide a
maximum of 10 psig at the air cap .
The air cap air pressure cannot exceed 10 psig in order to be in compliance with EPA and SCAQMD regulations”
Air CAp TEsT KiT – usE ANd purpOsE
Light Coat
Heavy Coat
trig ger
End of
Even and wet coat
6 to 12 inches
RSTK58 Air cap test kit only fits Model 776-3758