noTe: for advanced Trouble shooting, service manuals and Replacement part
information go to www.allamericanscoreboards.
4.0 Safety Information
The owner of the All American Scoreboard is responsible for safe operation and repair. He therefore is
obliged to familiarize operating personnel with the contents of this manual and make them aware of all
possible hazards.
when using this equipment, always follow the manufacturer’s instructions
for safe operation. in case of emergency, please telephone Technical support or
a qualified service technician.
Do not operate the sign until it is completely assembled and installed per the instructions supplied by
AAS recommends that your main power be installed by a licensed electrician in accordance with the
local building and electrical codes.
All equipment must be grounded in accordance with the local building and electrical codes. AAS recom-
mends Earth Link Ground.
If any part of the Scoreboard equipment is malfunctioning or has been damaged, cease operation and
consult with AAS Technical Support or qualified service technician before further use.
Use only AAS specified or recommended replacements parts.
waRning! use a locK ouT/Tag ouT on ciRcuiT BReaKeRs oR
“poweR on/off” swiTches when peRfoRming insTallaTion,
RepaiRs oR mainTenance.
When performing repairs be mindful of the weather and work area conditions. Avoid the unit’s exposure
to the elements, water and debris, or anything that may be dangerous or cause damage to the equip-
waRning! opeRaTion of The uniT wiTh The elecTRical
ciRcuiTRy exposed is dangeRous. Be suRe all Tools and
any oTheR maTeRials aRe RemoVed fRom The uniT, and all
access coVeRs aRe Replaced and closed BefoRe poweR
is TuRned on.
cauTion: use of solvent cleaners or a power washer on your scoreboard
may cause permanent damage.