Ever Cool Ltd, Viglen House Business Centre, Alperton Lane, London HA0 1HD
Tel: 020 8601 7157 Fax: 020 8997 0395 Web: www.evercoolltd.co.uk E-Mail: [email protected]
Company Registration No: 6096265 Company VAT No: 809764984
Ever Cool Limited Warranty
All products are warranted under normal usage and service against defects in workmanship or
materials for a period of twelve months from date of shipment. Ever Cool ltd will repair or replace
at its option any product or components it finds defective.
This warranty is limited to the cost of the original product and is in lieu of all other express or implied
warranties and excludes the loss of or profits, or any other direct or indirect incidental or
consequential damages caused by the product failure or delay in remedying same.
This warranty shall not be enforceable if the purchaser is in default or delay in making full payment
for the product.
This warranty does not cover failures caused in whole or in part, but not necessarily limited, to the
under noted causes:
Improper application
Operation outside of design limitations
Incorrect electrical connection
Low/high v or
– 6% rated voltage
Power interruptions
– phase failure/reversal or power spikes.
Product is used with refrigerants or oil agents that are not compatible with the materials
of construction or authorized by the manufacturer.
Product failure is attributed to dirt or moisture entering the system, or in the case of
refrigeration equipment, liquid slugging on the low pressure side.
Claims for products subject to failure within the terms of this warranty must be submitted in
accordance to the following procedure:
The purchaser must complete the Ever Cool ltd warranty claim form in full and attach a copy of their
engineers report with an official purchase order on Ever Cool ltd stating customer order reference
numbers, unit serial numbers and that the order is subject to
“Investigate for Warranty Order” and on
return to Ever Cool ltd within ten days of failure (with copies accompanying any product requested to be
returned). If in the event the product is not repairable and pending evaluation of the claim, the
supplier may at his discretion provide a replacement product ex-works that would be invoiced to the
purchase in the normal way. If the purchaser claim is accepted within the scope of the warranty, a
credit note will be issued within 30 days of approval. Should the claim, in our opinion, fall outside the
terms of the warranty period due to any of the aforementioned exclusions or late submittal of claim or
lapse of warranty period or any reasonable justification giving Ever Cool ltd cause to reject the claim,
no credit note will be issued and the full invoice value will become due within the purchase
r’s agreed
terms with Ever Cool ltd.
In the event the purchaser requests the supplier (or the supplier requires) to examine the product/s
on site or their factory to determine more fully the likely cause of failure, Ever Cool ltd reserves the
right at their discretion to charge all costs of such examinations to the purchasers account, if upon
examination the cause of failure is deemed to fall outside the warranty provisions. Product/s subject
to warranty claim should not be disposed of until any outstanding matters have been concluded.
Product/s should not be returned to the supplier unless specifically requested to do so.
Failure to adhere to the procedures outlines and to the time limits stipulated may give grounds to
reject the claim.