EVFTFT219 | Installation guide ver. 1.0 | Code 144FTFT219E104
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The pre-alarm warnings are displayed in green, while the alarm warnings are displayed in red. The pre-alarm warnings depend on
parameter D05 and are provided only for the open–door alarm and high and low cabinet temperature alarms.
When an alarm occurs, the alarm type description and the icon
are displayed, while the alarm relay (if RLA=1) and the buzzer (if
C04=1) are activated. To silence the buzzer, press any key: the icon
is displayed and after G01 seconds the buzzer is re-activated.
The alarm output depends on parameter RLA and it is the only output that will be activated in the event of a power failure.
When the condition causing the alarm no longer apply, the device normal operation will be restored, except where the following table
specifies otherwise.
Alarm display example
The following tables describes the meaning of the device alarm codes.
Cabinet Probe Err.
cabinet probe error alarm
corrective measures:
check the device-probe connection
check the cabinet temperature
main consequences:
the alarm is memorized
the buzzer and the alarm relay are activated (if enabled)
regulation takes place according to the compressor ON/OFF duty cycles, based on the times
given by the related parameters R05 and R06
High Temperature
high cabinet temperature alarm
if cabinet T° > sA02
(only if D05=1)
if cabinet T° > setpoint when A03 and A04 delay time has elapsed
corrective measures:
the same as above
main consequences:
the alarm is memorized
the buzzer and the alarm relay are activated (if enabled)
the alarm is automatically withdrawn when the temperature drops A09° below the threshold