EVFTFT219 | Installation guide ver. 1.0 | Code 144FTFT219E104
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It is possible to edit the graph by using the following keys:
Y+ e Y- : to change the scale of the ordinate axis (Y zooming)
X+ e X- : to shift the scale along the abscissa axis
IN e OUT : to change the scale of the abscissa axis (X zooming)
On the abscissa axis, the time is expressed in minutes up to 600 minutes, beyond this limit it is expressed in hours.
Sampling time is set by parameter PR1.
Operating time counter
Press the key
to display the machine operating time.
The following data will be displayed:
refrigerator operating time
compressor operating time
compressor switching on/off avarage time
compressor opearting time percentage, on a daily and hourly basis
Counters cannot be cancelled by the users.