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Evco S.r.l. • File EVC80P16N7DSM00_EVC99T00X0XXX01_(GB)_A4_v1.00.pdf • page 6/6
if defrosting is requested when the compressor is on and the time set by parameter P30 is less than the value set by parameter P31, the compressor will remain on and the solenoid valve and defrosting will be
activated after the time "P31 - P30" has elapsed since the defrost request; vice versa, if defrosting is requested when the compressor is on and the time set by parameter P30 is greater than that set by parameter
P31, when defrosting is requested the compressor will be switched off for the greater of the times between those set by parameters P19, P20 and P21 after which the compressor and defrosting will be activated
(the solenoid valve will be activated "P30 - P31" s prior to activation of defrosting)
parameter P39 has no effect during UV light switch on (cabinet sterilisation)
altering parameter P73 is effective on exiting the configuration parameter setting procedure; as soon as you will quit the configuration parameters setting procedure, parameter P73 will automatically get
value 0.