Alarm: the compressor is off and in the alarm state. In this state, the user interface displays
the message “ALL”.
Manual: the compressor is in manual operational mode. In this state, the user interface
displays the message “MAN”.
In any case, a manually functioning compressor is sensitive to any alarms, in this case, the status
will be that of Alarm.
Compressor rotation
Compressor rotation is a procedure that allows the number of operating hours and start-ups for each
compressor to be balanced as much as possible.
Rotation only involves compressors and not the individual increments. It does not involve any
compressors in the alarm state or operating manually, and is capable of dynamically switching on
other compressors, should one or more of them switch to the alarm state.
In all the rotation types managed, any compressors restored from the alarm state or operating
manually, will be inserted at the top of the list of compressors to be switched on. They will have
maximum priority with respect to the other compressors, altering the switch on and switch off
sequence. Rotation type is set by means of the parameter Compressor Rotation (PC01).
The program can manage 4 types of rotation: FIFO, LIFO, FIFO + time, LIFO + time.
This follows “First In First Out” logic, i.e. the first compressor switched on will be the first
switched off. Initially, this logic might leads to a large difference in operational hours between the
various compressors, but after an initial phase, this should more or less balance out.
Switch on : C1 . C2 . C3 . C4 … . C12
Switch off : C1 . C2 . C3 . C4 … . C12
FIFO rotation has one peculiarity. If, for example, the first compressor is switched on and then off,
the next compressor to be switched on will be the second. The last compressor switched off will be
remembered so as to then switch on the next in sequence, thus avoiding always using the same and
so better exploiting all the configured resources.
Example with 4 compressors:
Switch on : C1 .
Switch off : C1 .
Switch on : C2 . C3 .
Switch off : C2 . C3 .
Switch on : C4 . C1 . C2 . C3 .
Switch off : C4 . C1 . C2 . C3 .
This type of rotation seeks to balance the number of switch on and off operations for the
compressors configured.
This follows “Last In First Out” logic, i.e. the last compressor switched on will be the first to be
switched off.
Switch on : C1 . C2 . C3 . C4 … . C12