90( *DWHZD\
Only qualified personnel who thoroughly understand the operation of this equipment
and any associated machinery should install, start-up, or attempt maintenance of this
equipment. Non-compliance with this warning may result in serious personal injury
and/or equipment damage.
Never work on any control equipment or motors without first removing all power
supplies from the equipment.
This equipment contains ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) sensitive
parts. Observe static control precautions when handling, installing,
and servicing this device.
This equipment was tested before it left our factory. However, before
installation and start up, inspect all equipment for transit damage,
loose parts, packing materials, etc.
Ruptured semiconductor devices may release toxic materials. Con-
tact Eurotherm Drives or the semiconductor manufacturer for proper
disposal procedures for semiconductors or other material.
NOTE. The installation of this equipment must comply with the
National Electric Code and any applicable local codes.