Motor orders:
button - :
turns antenna eastwards
turns antenna westwards
button OK: stops the motor
button 1:
sets the east limit
of the antenna
button 2:
sets the west limit of the antenna
button 3:
erases the limits of the antenna
button 4:
turns to the selected antenna position
button 5:
vernier adjustment of the motor eastwards
button 6:
vernier adjustment of the motor westwards
button 7:
recalculates the antenna position
button 8:
stores the current antenna position under the chosen satellite
red button: starts the channel search
Initial setting of the motordriven processor:
Firstly install the motor and the antenna according to specifications of the manufacturer. In
Settings (Einstellungen)
LNB configuration
the menu item DiSEqC-mode
has to be adjusted to DiSEqC 1.2. After it´s done you have first to limit the turning area east
and westwards in menu
motor settings
. Please notice that the satellite
dish won´t collide with barriers e. g. housetop. If there are no hinderances within the whole
turning area please set up the the barriers in such a way as the dish can be turned a little over
the satellite to be received. After the selection under menu items 1) to 5) are stored the motor
can be moved east and westwards until a picture can be seen on the screen of the connected
TV set or until the display of the signal level shows receipt. An optimal takes places by vernier
adjustment. If the satellite dish is adjusted correctly the antenna position is stored and the
steps for further satellites are repeated.