Thank you
Thank you very much for choosing for a EUROM device. You have made a good
choice! We hope you will be satisfied about its functioning.
To get maximum profit from your product, it is important to read this manual
attentive and totally before use, and to understand what is written. Read especially
the safety instructions: they are there to protect you and your environment.
Keep the manual in a safe place for future reference. Store also the package: that
is the best protection for your product in times of no-use. And if you at any time
pass the appliance on, pass on the manual and package too.
We wish you a lot of fun with the Vento Cordless Fan!
Kokosstraat 20
8281 JC Genemuiden (NL)
[email protected]
This manual has been complied with the utmost care. Nevertheless, we reserve the
right to optimize this manual at any time and to adjust it technically. The image
used may differ.
Technical Data
Connected power
Power consumption
5 W
Ø blades
17,5 cm
Oscillate vertically manually
0,52 kg
27,5 x 18 x 15 cm
Important safety regulations
Use the appliance only for the purpose for which it has been designed (fanning
household spaces) and in the way described in this manual. Any other way can
be dangerous and can cause fire, wounds, damage, electric shock, etc., and will
invalidate the warranty.
Before using, always check the Cordless Fan, charging cable (delivered with the
fan) the USB mains adapter (not provided) or the USB car charger (not
provided) for damage or wear. Check the charging cable for the correct
insulation, cuts, scrapes and the condition of the connectors. Do not operate