00042042.DOC, Version 1.0
Merkblatt "Lasergeräte in Diskotheken und bei Show-Veranstaltungen"
Merkblatt "Disco-Laser"
Gerätesicherheitsgesetz (GSG)
Strafgesetzbuch § 223 ff:
Further useful links:
Uni Essen
Sicherheitsinformation Laser-Sachverständiger
Useful links for
Infobroschüre zum Einsatz von Lasern
Verordnung über den Schutz des Publikums
Dangers caused by laser radiation
Due to the extreme concentration of the laserbeam, the whole energy of the radiation is concentrated in a
very small area. If the laser beam hits a man, health damages can be caused. Next to burning the skin, laser
beams can damage the human eye. According to the wavelength (colour) of the laser, the beam can
penetrate into the retina and destroy it. Depending to the severity of the accident, dangers for the eyes have
to be observed.
For a better understanding, a comparison with visible light may be helpful. A continuously emitting laser in
the yellow/green sector with an optical power of only 1 mW (= 1.10-3 Watt) belongs to the relatively harmless
classification 2. Staring into this beam already equals staring into the summer sun in central Europe. In this
case, direct eye exposure is allowed for 0.25 s.
A laser product of the classification 3R has a 5 times higher optical power.
In contrast to sunlight or the light of an incandescent lamp where the optical power is quickly reduced with
the distance, the natural reduction of a laser's optical power is only minimal. This is why health damages can
also be produced if laser radiation hits a man in a larger distance.
Due to the sharp concentration and the high optical power of laser products often used in discotheques, the
laser beams can still produce health damages when reflected from e.g. glass surfaces or metallic surfaces.
Eye damage caused by unskilled operation of laser products can be treated as physical injury and
persecuted by law.
Please note that the organizer is responsible for keeping to all specified protective measures. If a laser gets
out of control, the event may need to be cancelled immediately.
If the organiser does not fulfill his safety duties, he is reliable by civil law for any damages occured, e.g.:
Pay the treatment costs of the damaged person.
Pay a smart money to the damaged person.
Economic damage caused can be demanded from the operator of the laser product.
Please note:
EUROLITE cannot be made liable for damages caused by incorrect installations and unskilled
Protective measures for a safe operation
For producing and operating with laser radiation the following regulation is binding: DIN EN 60825-1 "Safety
of laser products", DIN 56912 "Showlaser und Showlaseranlagen", Berufsgenossenschaftliche Vorschrift
Laserstrahlung BGV B2, Merkblatt "Lasergeräte in Diskotheken und bei Show-Veranstaltungen", Merkblatt
"Disco-Laser", all governmental regulation and all generally binding rules of technology.
The following are excerpts from the regulation mentioned above. The information basis corresponds with the
date of printing. When operating a laser product in public or industrial areas, a series of safety instructions