00049757.DOC, Version 1.0
6.2 Control system LED Studio
6-2 Connections LED Studio
1. Connection LED display panels – receiver interface
Connect the receiver interface to the display panels as shown above. For this purpose, connect each of
the 15-pin data signal outputs of the interface to the 15-pin data signal inputs of the display panels.
Fasten the locknuts on the connectors. Each data cable controls 128 (width) x 16 (height) pixels.
2. Power supply receiver interface
Power supply of the receiver interface is via one the display panels. Connect the 2-pin jack with the
Connect to receiving controller
of one of the display panels to the corresponding 2-pin jack
of the receiver interface. Fasten the locknut on the connectors.
3. Connection LED display panels – LED display panels
The data signals can be relayed horizontally. For this purpose, connect each of the 15-pin data signal
outputs of a display panel to the 15-pin data signal inputs of the subsequent display panel. Fasten the
locknuts on the connectors.
4. Connection
interface – computer
Connect the receiver interface to the PCI sending card (see 6.4 for how to install the sending card
beforehand). Connect the data signal input
Signal Input
of the receiver interface to one of the ethernet
ports (RJ45 jacks) of the sending card via the supplied LAN cable.
Afterwards an image can be
displayed on a large video wall by relaying the data signal from one receiver interface to the next. The
second free ethernet port can be used to setup a second video wall displaying a different image.
display a different image on a second video wall
5. Connection network interface – network interface
The network interface's output
Signal Transfer
serves for relaying the data signal to the next interface.
Up to 56 interfaces can be connected in series.