00049757.DOC, Version 1.0
6.1 Control system LED Show T9
6-1 Connections LED Show T9
1. Connection LED display panels – network interface
Connect the network interface to the display panels as shown above. For this purpose, connect each of
the 15-pin data signal outputs of the interface to the 15-pin data signal inputs of the display panels.
Fasten the locknuts on the connectors. Each data cable controls 128 (width) x 16 (height) pixels.
2. Power supply network interface
Power supply of the network interface is via one the display panels. Connect the 2-pin jack with the
Connect to receiving controller
of one of the display panels to the corresponding 2-pin jack
of the network interface. Fasten the locknut on the connectors.
3. Connection LED display panels – LED display panels
The data signals can be relayed horizontally. For this purpose, connect each of the 15-pin data signal
outputs of a display panel to the 15-pin data signal inputs of the subsequent display panel. Fasten the
locknuts on the connectors.
4. Connection network interface – computer
Connect the network interface to a computer. Connect the data signal input
Signal input
of the
interface to the gigabit ethernet port (RJ45 jack) of the computer via the supplied LAN cable. If needed, a
standard CAT5 network cable up to 100 meters long may be used.
5. Connection network interface – network interface
The network interface's output
Signal Transfer
serves for relaying the data signal to the next interface.
Up to 56 interfaces can be connected in series.