Instructions Part Number IN1180 Ed.D1
The kindling wood should be placed over the paper so as to rest
against each other in a conical formation, leaving space between
each piece.
Light the paper using a long match or spill and close the insert
The lightly crumpled paper will begin burning rapidly and the space
between the kindling will allow the long bright flames to pass
between and over the wood raising it to its ignition temperature.
Wait until the kindling fire core has lost its large flames and
is glowing then, wearing the glove, lay several pieces of
kindling on the top of them followed by pieces of coal.
Try to leave open spaces between pieces of coal with some bridging
others rather than a single layer. Putting on too much at this stage
will only cause smoke and hinder the fire’s development.
When the loading of coal is burning brightly, the air volume should be reduced and set to the 12 O’clock
If you are burning one of the manufactured smokeless coals the air direction lever should always remain in the
mid position.
If you are burning Anthracite, the air direction lever should now be moved to the lowest position.