Brief description eurogard ServiceRouter V2
eurogard GmbH
Kaiserstraße 100
D-52134 Herzogenrath
T.: +49/2407/9516-0
F: +49/2407/9516-23
The administration area
Login for the administrator is located in the upper right-hand corner of the initial
At password prompt enter:
User name: eurogard
Password: eurogard
Obviously these accounts should be deleted in
the course of the configuration process and
replaced by creating your own specific user and
administrator accounts.
As a general rule, the following applies for any data
entered in the http interface of the Router:
1. enter parameter
2. p
ress button „Speichern“ (Save)
3. then start page functions, eg, Zertifikat
(generate certificate).
Some functions, eg the generation of the Router certificate, will take up to 10
minutes! Please do not enter any data during this process and wait for the ready-
message on the user interface!
Please make sure to work through the configuration process from left to right, starting
with the LAN side, then WAN etc, since some functions require parameters from the
preceding menus.