6.2. doc/builtins.js
// This file describes the builtins (functions or objects) of Euresys GenApi
// Script. It can be executed by running 'gentl script
// coaxlink://doc/builtins.js'.
// The builtin object 'console' contains a single function, log, which can be
// used to output text to the standard output.
console.log('Hello from ' + module.filename);
console.log('If several arguments are passed,', 'they are joined with spaces');
// The builtin object 'memento' contains the following functions: error,
// warning, notice, info, debug, verbose (each corresponding to a different
// verbosity level in Memento). They are similar to console.log, except that
// the text is sent to Memento.
memento.error('error description');
memento.warning('warning description');
memento.notice('important notification');
memento.debug('debug information');
memento.verbose('more debug information');
// Explicit type conversion/information functions:
console.log('Boolean(0) = ' + Boolean(0));
// false
console.log('Boolean(3) = ' + Boolean(3));
// true
console.log('Number(false) = ' + Number(false));
// 0
console.log('Number(true) = ' + Number(true));
// 1
console.log('Number("3.14") = ' + Number("3.14"));
// 3.14
console.log('Number("0x16") = ' + Number("0x16"));
// 22
console.log('Number("1e-9") = ' + Number("1e-9"));
// 1e-9
console.log('String(false) = ' + String(false));
// "false"
console.log('String(true) = ' + String(true));
// "true"
console.log('String(3.14) = ' + String(3.14));
// "3.14"
console.log('String([1, 2]) = ' + String([1, 2]));
// "1,2"
console.log('isNaN(0/0) = ' + isNaN(0/0));
// true
console.log('isNaN(Infinity) = ' + isNaN(Infinity));
// false
console.log('isRegExp(/re/) = ' + isRegExp(/re/));
// true
console.log('isRegExp("/re/") = ' + isRegExp("/re/"));
// false
console.log('Array.isArray({}) = ' + Array.isArray({})); // false
console.log('Array.isArray([]) = ' + Array.isArray([])); // true
// The builtin object 'Math' contains a few functions:
console.log('floor(3.14) = ' + Math.floor(3.14));
console.log('abs(-1.5) = ' + Math.abs(1.5));
console.log('pow(2, 5) = ' + Math.pow(2, 5));
console.log('log2(2048) = ' + Math.log2(2048));
// String manipulation
console.log('"Duo & Duo".replace(/Duo/,
"Quad") = "' +
"Duo & Duo".replace(/Duo/,
"Quad") + '"'); // "Quad & Duo"
console.log('"Duo & Duo".replace(/Duo/g, "Quad") = "' +
"Duo & Duo".replace(/Duo/g, "Quad") + '"'); // "Quad & Quad"
console.log('"Hello, Coaxlink".toLowerCase() = "' +
"Hello, Coaxlink".toLowerCase() + '"');
// "hello, coaxlink"
console.log('"Coaxlink Quad G3".includes("Quad") = ' +
"Coaxlink Quad G3".includes("Quad"));
// true
console.log('"Coaxlink Quad".includes("G3") = ' +
"Coaxlink Quad".includes("G3"));
// false
console.log('"Coaxlink Quad G3".split(" ") = [' +
"Coaxlink Quad G3".split(" ") + ']');
// [Coaxlink,Quad,G3]
console.log('"Coaxlink Quad G3".split("Quad") = [' +
"Coaxlink Quad G3".split("Quad") + ']');
// [Coaxlink , G3]
6. Euresys GenApi scripts
Programmer Guide