Manual of Board ET-TOUCH PAD 4x4 V2
Status of releasing 2 Keys simultaneously
= When pressing both Keys that are pressing Key F together with another Key (Key F +
any Key) at the same time and released either Key, ET-TOUCH PAD does not send any Data to Connector 232 until
released 2 Keys completely. If it does not press any Key, ET-TOUCH PAD sends 3Byte Data to Connector 232 as
mentioned in the Table above and the format is the same as releasing 1 Key.
Summarize how to read Key Code as ASCII
: As mentioned about state of pressing and releasing Key above, when writing
program and it presses single Key, user can check status of pressing/releasing Key from the capital letters ‘P’ and ‘R’; ‘P’ = Press Key and
‘R’ = Release Key. This value is the first Byte that is sent out and user can read Key Code of the pressed Key in the second Byte.
If pressing Key F together with another Key, user can check status of pressing Key by the capital letters ‘P’ or ‘F’ that is rad in the
first Bye. If it is the capital letter ‘P’, it means that it presses single Key; or, if it is the capital letter ‘F’, it means that it presses Key F
together with another Key. Next, it reads Key Code of the pressed Key in the second Byte; user can know the format of the Key Code that is
read is pressing single Key or pressing Key F together with another Key because user can set function of pressing Key correctly. When
releasing another Key that is pressed together with Key F, user can check status of releasing Key by the capital letter ‘R’; it is the first Byte
that is sent out when released both Keys that are pressed together.
4. How to send Command Control Buzzer & LED Status Key
In the part of Port 232, it can send ASCII Key Code to user; moreover, it can support ASCII Command from user to control the
operation of Buzzer and LED Status Key on Board. The main target is to use Buzzer and LED Status Key as Alarm Function when it does
not press any Key; but when it presses any Key, Key returns to send Key Code to user automatically.
If user requires controlling the part of Buzzer and LED, it is the same as the way of reading Key Code as ASCII because it has to
connect Port at Connector RS232 or TTL 232 to Port 232 of Board Controller. Moreover, it has to enable Jumper JP-BZ and JP-LED. The
Baud Rate for sending Command is fixed at 9600 Bit/s.
The format of Command and Data that is used must be total capital letters and it must be in the format of ASCII Code that can be
replaced by ASCII symbols such as ‘#’; or, it is replaced by ASCII Code that is equal to 0x23. There are 6 Byte Data for each Command; the
last Byte is Enter that has no any symbol for calling; so, it must be replaced by ASCII Code = 0x0D. If user sends each Command correctly,
user receives 3 Byte ASCII Command that is *OK to notify user to know that it is ready to receive the next Command. If user sends any
Command incorrectly, there is no response from Board ET-TOUCH PAD 4x4 V2.
The format of Command is listed below;
This is Command ON/OFF Buzzer. If Data is set as ‘1’, it enables Buzzer (ON) and it produces sound all the time. Or, if
Data is set as ‘0’, it disables Buzzer (OFF), there is no any sound. The format of Command is listed below;
Start Command Mark#1
Byte1 Byte2-3
Enter (0x0D)
Respond Command จำก Board
Data = ‘0’: Buzzer OFF Stop noise
‘1’: Buzzer ON Keep playing noise