E-Band and V-Band - Survey on status of worldwide regulation
Introduction and Scope
The main scope of this document is to provide an updated overview on the state of regulation and
spectrum allocation of both V-Band and E-Band, mainly for the case of fixed service.
In this context, the term regulation includes:
The international standards from bodies such as ITU or ETSI and regulations from organizations,
such as ECC or FCC.
The rules at national level which, for the scope of the present analysis, can be considered as the
key source of information as they reflect the national status in several countries both inside and
outside the European Union.
Given the market need to effectively exploit both E-Band and V-Band frequency bands, an exhaustive
investigation has been carried out among administrations and regulatory bodies to gather allocation
status, licensing regime and other relevant data.
The analysis of the data collected through that investigation has been performed by the ETSI Millimetre-
Wave Transmission Industry Specification Group.
The outcome of the analysis is described in two relevant deliverables:
The present white paper
A database included in the white paper, whose structure is discussed in Appendix [A], in which the
updated country by country allocation is collected