The TTO-1 is a modified Black and Decker, counter top, feature rich talking toaster oven
which allows persons with low or no vision to cook foods independently. The TTO-1 has
a 12” x12” x 8.5” cooking chamber and 1200 Watts of cooking power. The TTO-1 is also
simple to operate and its high quality male voice is clear and intelligible.
4 cook modes: Bake, Broil, Toast, Warm
Bake mode temperature range 200-450F
Broil mode temperature range 250-450F
Toast mode temperature range 250-450F
Warm mode temperature range 125-175F
Convection and regular bake mode.
12 x 12 x 8.5 chamber (9 slice)
Clear and intelligible male voice
8 volume level settings
Timed cooking only: 5min to 4 hours.
Integrated talking cooking timer
Embossed keys make them easy to locate
by touch.
Simple to operate.
One button presses inform user of current
settings and remaining cook or kitchen timer times.
10 Amp current draw at 120VAC (1200W)
Dimensions: L 18.25 x W 14.0 x H 11.5
All stainless steel construction with glass door.
Weight 18lbs
Included with Oven:
Written Instructions
Narrated Instructions on CD.
Crumb tray,
Two mesh racks
lat tray
Please save the box your oven came in for at least one year in case you need to
send the oven back for warranty service.