EcoTec Systems Ltd. reserve the right to change the products shown on this datasheet in the interest of improved
specification. No responsibility is assumed for the use of information contained herein, nor for any infringement of
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There is a music source selector switch on the front panel.
This enables selection of one of up to four music sources. One of these
music sources can be internal to the unit. If a network player option has
been fitted then the unit will have a built in music source. To use the
internal music source the music source selector should be set to the internal
source setting.
Again, highlighted spaces are provided for the names used in the venue for
the particular music sources.
The user is able to MUTE the music. This feature is designed for situations
when a venue is not open to the public but the venue staff are present and
they might want to mute the music whilst working. To prevent confusion
with the feature the red indicator will flash continuously once MUTE is
selected. Normal operation will resume if either the MUTE button is pressed
again or any of the volume controls are adjusted.
For all other adjustments please refer to suitably qualified service or
installation personnel.