2.8 Idle Speed
Air/Fuel Ratio adjusting procedure:
Step 1: Air adjusting screw.
Turn adjusting screw all the way in then back off
¾ to 1¼ turn on 70cc engine.
1 to 1½ turns on 90cc engine.
Step 2: Adjust idle RPM. (Warm Engine)
Connect an RPM gauge. Turn the adjustment screw in or out to
adjust the engine idle speed to between 1700—1900 RPM.
Turning the idle adjustment screw clockwise will raise the RPM;
turning it counterclockwise will lower the RPM.
Idle Speed: 1800 ± 100RPM
2.9 Drive Chain
Inspect the chain slack. The standard is 10-25mm or 0.394-0.984
The drive chain will stretch with use and will require periodic
adjustments. To check the chain tension, remove the chain guard
and measure the slack. The amount of slack in the chain should
not exceed 10-25mm (0.394-0.984 in).
Inspect the drive and axle sprockets for damaged or broken
teeth. Replace as needed. Inspect the chain links for damaged,
worn or loose rivets. Repair or replace as needed.
Chain Slack Adjustment:
Loosen the axle position lock bolts slightly and turn the chain
adjuster nut to take up the excess slack in the chain. Once the
chain has been adjusted to the proper tension retighten the
axle position locking bolt.
The chain should be kept well lubricated to prevent excess
wear and premature failure. We recommend that you lubricate
the chain every 20 hours of operation, or more frequently if
needed, with a high quality chain lubricant.
Air mixture adjusting screw
Chain adjusters