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For Support C61-2-9956-7377
ETM9120 9140 Configuration Tool Userguide201406RV001
Data Transfer Tab
This section has settings that control how the unit sends data over the internet to a server.
The Internet Data Transfer tab is laid out in a vertical pattern with each vertical segment relating to
a particular timer (SWT<x>) that controls the sending of certain data types.
The three timers that relate to the sending of data are;
1. SWT2 – This timer sends the archived/logged data. The sending port will be 2150.
2. SWT3 – This timer sends the current values as configured. The sending port will be 2800.
3. SWT4 – This timer sends the current values as configured. The sending port will be 2880.
The data types are defined in the separate document, ‘
ETM Modems TCP UDP Protocol spec
Setting the SWT Timers
Setting the SWT timers is done by clicking on the Terminal tab and then clicking on the terminal
window, so that a flashing cursor is displayed.
To set an SWT timer you send the following command;
….. where Y is the timer designation and XX is the timer period in minutes.
Eg SWT1 Every minute
Or every ten minutes
Start at midday and then every 30 minutes after that
(Synchronized to Real Time Clock) must be checked for this to work
If you use the
Synchronized to Real Time Clock
functionality you need to enable it first in the
wireless modem using the configuration tool, write the configuration to the wireless modem and
power cycle the wireless modem. Then you should return to configuring the unit.
One thing to note about using
Synchronized to Real Time Clock
is that if the software clock in
the wireless modem has a time that is past the time entered then the wireless modem will not
trigger the timer until the following day.
You cannot modify the SWT timer minute values in the various tabs of the configuration tool – this
task must be completed in the method described above.