In accordance with Directive EEC 2006/42/CE
13, Rue de l’Industrie, 67165 WISSEMBOURG CEDEX
declare under our responsibility that the petrol lawnmower, type VIVA 46, référence PBE - PBTS - PHE - PHTS - PHB - PHTB , to which
is subject of this declaration refers, meets the essential requirements regarding health and safety contained in the EC Directive 2006/42
modified which apply to it, and the national requirements of all other applicable European directives :
- EC 2004/108
Electromagnetic compatibility
- EC 2000/14
Sound emissions in the environment by equipment intended for use outside
And guarantee that petrol lawnmower, type VIVA 46, reference PBE - PBTS - PHE - PHTS - PHB - PHTB meets the requirements of the
EC Directive 2000/14 as regards sound emissions in the environment and is subject to the internal production inspection procedure with
evaluation of the technical documentation and periodic inspections by a certified body, the CETIM, 60304 SENLIS CEDEX - France.
Average acoustic power level measured : 96 dB(A)
Acoustic power level guaranteed : 96 dB(A)
person in charge of the technical file : mr schmitt freddy
eC deClaratioN of CoNformity
modell :
serial number:
Done in Wissembourg, the 21/09/2009
Mr. Patrick VIVES
the president
Due to their permanent improvement policy, ETESIA reserves the
right to modify specifications, text and pictures without prior notice.
strasbourg trade & Commerce register B343 510 996
11715 v09_2009 i0