This manual provides information necessary for the installation, operation, and
maintenance of the water heater.
The model description is listed on the rating plate which is attached to the right side of
the case of the water heater. (Please refer to p.7)
Please read all installation instructions completely before installing this product.
The Water Heater is an instantaneous, tankless water heater designed to efficiently
supply endless hot water for your needs.
The principle behind the water heater is simple:
B u r n e r
H e a t e x c h a n g e r
E x h a u s t
F l o w s e n s o r
T h e r m i s t o r
C o m p u t e r
b o a r d
A C 2 4 0 V
G a s v a l v e
F a n
C o l d w a t e r i n l e t
G a s
H o t w a t e r o u t l e t
1. A hot water tap is turned on.
2. Water enters the heater.
3. The water flow sensor detects the water flow.
4. The computer automatically ignites the burner.
5. Water circulates through the heat exchanger and then gets hot.
6. The computer will modulate the gas supply valve and water flow to produce the right
amount of hot water at the correct temperature.
7. When the tap is turned off, the unit shuts down.
This diagram illustrates the
w a t e r h e a t e r d e s i g n
concepts only and is not
a c c u r a t e t o t h e o n e
p h y s i c a l d e s c r i p t i o n .