The Retrofit
Configure the CEM3
Change the CEM3 from Test Mode to Normal Mode (enabled using the switch located on the
right-hand side of the PCB).
Configure the enclosure to reflect the dimmer module types installed. Verify that the enclosure
type is correct (CEM3 should have determined this from the DIP switch settings - see
). Use the front face panel interface to configure the CEM3. See the
Quick Guide
that ships with the CEM3 for more information.
Configure the data types that will be used (DMX and sACN) including the enclosure patch.
After the dimmer ribbon cables are connected in the correct order, set one dimmer from each
group of twelve slots on at a time, and then verify the correct dimmer signal light as it illuminates.
Verify that all sources of control (DMX, sACN, Preset stations) function correctly.
Turn all dimmer circuit breakers back on.
Final Steps
Collect and properly dispose of all debris created during the upgrade process.
For future service needs, it is recommended that you send copies of the final CEM3 configuration
files for each enclosure to ETC technical services (
). Include your
job number and the date the configuration was adjusted.
If AF cards are present, it may take some time for them to fully load their software.
PCBs (such as the backplane termination board, beacon board, and AF cards) may be
deemed hazardous e-waste by some municipalities. Please dispose of in accordance
with local requirements.
Send CEM3 configuration files saved out of the Sensor3 enclosure, not configuration
exported from ETC Concert (if used).