Prodigy FlyPipe Installation Guide
Travel Limits
Once you have verified proper wiring and hoist function, the next step is to set the travel limits.
These limits provide protection for the hoist and anything around it by safely limiting the range
of travel. This is done by positioning your limit switches. The hard travel and overtravel limits are
separated by 13 cm (5 in) of travel, which cannot be modified. When the hoist ships, the upper
limit is set to the uppermost point of supported travel and the lower limit is set to the lowest
point of supported travel.
Your upper overtravel limit must be set so as to provide a minimum of 13 cm (5 in) of travel
between the top of the SafeStop device and the nearest point of conflict in the up direction.
Similarly, there must be at least 13 cm (5 in) of travel from the lower overtravel limit to the
nearest point of conflict in the down direction.
Upper Overtravel Limit
Upper Hard Limit
Upper Soft Limit
Lower Soft Limit
Lower Hard Limit
Lower Overtravel Limit
13 cm
(5 in)
8 cm
(3 in)
8 cm
(3 in)
13 cm
(5 in)
13 cm (5 in) minimum to
nearest point of conflict
13 cm (5 in)