The ColorSource ThruPower is designed to provide professional quality dimming, packaged
for venues that require affordable, professional quality wall mount dimming in low noise
environments. The cabinet may be installed with or without other system components
making it a cost-effective power solution.
12-circuit models
Multi-language user interface display
including English, Spanish, German,
and French
User-selectable dimming curves,
including Mod Square Law, Linear,
Preheat, and Fluorescent
Removable cable entry
panels at top of enclosure
Removable cable entry
panels at sides of enclosure
Conduit knockouts low in the
left side
accommodate conduit or
glands for low voltage control
wiring to the I/O compartment.
12 circuits of dimming/switching
DMX512 native device
Passive cooling for quiet operation in
low-noise environments
12 dual-pole or single-pole,
C-curve, DIN-rail mount circuit
breakers, one for each output
Emergency contact input
Removable conduit/cable gland
on bottom of enclosure.