ES920.1 - User’s Guide
Hardware Description
The ES920.1 FlexRay Module, when accommodated in the extension slot of the
ES910 Rapid Prototyping Module, enables rapid prototyping applications at Flex
Ray channels.
Together with the ES910, the ES920.1 module is part of a highly efficient, com
pact development and experimental platform with high computing and simula
tion performance due to the use of a close-to-target, fast floating-point
processor. The AUTOSAR-compatible RTA-OSEK operating system of the ES910
guarantees simple transition from the finished function prototype to ECU soft
ware development.
The ES920.1, equipped with the Bosch E-RAY IP, provides a FlexRay node with
the channels A and B which can send and receive FlexRay frames. Interrupts can
be triggered at cycle, segment and slot level.
To optimize system performance, a preprocessor handles the FlexRay communi
cation paths independently from the simulation controller of the ES910.
Together with the ES920.1, the ES910 is hardware optimized for rapid prototyp
ing applications used to develop FlexRay ECUs.
The ES920.1 is configured entirely in INTECRIO.
Overview of the Major Features of the ES920.1:
• One FlexRay node with two FlexRay channels which can be used redun
– Channels galvanically isolated from each other, from the device
ground and from the supply voltage
– “Wake Up” via FlexRay
• Efficient connection of the ES920.1 FlexRay port to the ES910 simulation
• Use of the BOSCH E-Ray IP Module as a FlexRay Communication Control
ler, compatible with the FlexRay Protocol Specification V2.1
• Support of future FlexRay versions with firmware update
• Configuration possibilities in the calibration software:
– Data rates of up to 10 MBit/s
– Max. 128 frames
– 8 kByte message RAM, for example
to save 128 frames with max. 48 byte payload or
to save 30 frames with max. 254 byte payload
– Slot counter filter, cycle counter filter and channel filter
– Network management support
The ES920.1 FlexRay Module can be operated in the extension slot of the
ES910.2 and the ES910.3-A.