Etac / Lille Viking / www.etac.com
6. How to drive Lille Viking Supporting motor
To operate the Lille Viking, a speed controller is mounted on the wheelchair’s drive handles.
For safe driving it is important that you study the functions on the speed controller before you start driving.
We recommend test driving the wheelchair without a user the first time.
Lille Viking is equipped with a battery indicator which shows the current level. Make sure that the charger indicates fully charged battery.
Put the key in the main switch and turn it clockwise.
6.1 Control unit 521
1. Turn the ON/OFF knob on the side of the control unit until a click is audible and the green indicator on the drive motor lights up. Select
the desired speed by turning the knob. It is best to start with a speed in the middle of the scale and then increase as desired. See point
2. N.B. Do not forget to turn off the power if you are taking a break, by turning the black knob.
2. The accelerator handle at the front of the control box controls the speed. Carefully pull the handle (F) upwards and the chair will start
moving forward. The higher up the handle is pulled, the greater the speed. The top speed can be set for driving at full speed. See
point 1. When the chair is stationary and you push the accelerator handle down (R), the chair will move backwards.
N.B. In the event of a situation arising in which you feel unsafe, release the accelerator handle to stop the chair immediately.
Never attempt to hold the chair back.
The operating handle must not be loaded with bags or other objects. Under no circumstances must it be possible for the acceler-
ator handle to catch on anything.
3. The finger screw on the top of the control box has two functions. If you loosen the screw by around one turn, you can change the
angle of the control box. This function allows you to change the distance between the accelerator handle and the push handle to
suit your needs. If the finger screw is loosened by a couple more turns, the control box can be removed from the bracket on the push
Notice that Lille Viking is pulling the wheelchair forwards. The wheelchair will therefore automatically move forward when you are using
the acceleration handle. The only thing you will have to do, is follow the wheelchair and steer it. The chair will stop immediately when
you release the acceleration handle.
6.2 Driving advice
NOTICE: Take care when operating on very uneven surfaces and when going up and down curbs. If the wheelchair passes over
high obstacles such as curbs at high speed, the wheelchair’s chain wheels, chain wheel forks and chassis may be damaged. In
the worst case scenario, the wheelchair may tilt and the user may fall out.
• Choose low speed until you are feeling safe on driving a wheelchair with a supporting motor.
• Plan your driving so that it is comfortable and safe for the person sitting in the wheelchair.
• Reduce the pressure on the acceleration handle when you are going downhill. The supporting motor will then be working as an extra
• Be aware that the wheels may start spinning if you are driving on slippery ground.
• Do not try to get past curbs, but choose ramps or adjusted front edges. Make sure the footrests are not colliding against the ramp /
front edge.
• If there are no dropped edges where you are driving, set the auxiliary motor to the released position and tilt the wheelchair in order to
get over the curb, alternatively the chair may be tilted and reversed over the curb.
Risk of tilting!
• Please be aware that driving uphill or downhill affects the sitting position of the user.
• The wheelchair must always be equipped with tilt protection when operating using the auxiliary motor and this must be folded
• When driving on ramps, the wheelchair should be driven forward when going up and reversed when going down.
• If the motor has been set for low speed and more power is necessary, for example when driving up a steep hill, turn the ON/OFF knob
to increase the power. Please be aware that the chair will move faster and the speed will increase when the surface becomes level
• If you take a break, remember to turn off the power by turning off the motor using the ON/OFF knob. Remember to turn off the power
using the main power switch when you are parking or you have finished driving.
• Always park on level ground, and reconnect the wheelchair’s brakes.
• In order to freely operate the wheelchair manually, the auxiliary motor must be set to the released position.