For particularly realistic fade-in and fade-out effects, you can add
a „zoom” function to each output, if so desired
• “Enabled” enables the pair to fade-in and fade-out
• “Disabled” turns off the fade-in and fade-out feature of the out-
put pair.
6.5. Setting fade-in and fade-out times
Here you can choose the time during which the outputs should
be dimmed up or down if the „Zoom” option is active at the cor-
responding output.
The time can be set from 0 msec to 4160 msec. The value „0
msec” turns off this feature for all outputs.
Do not choose exceedingly long durations. Especially in alternating
flasher mode, you should make sure that the flashing frequency is
selected significantly longer than the fade-in and fade-out times.
6.6. Status information
The SwitchPilot 3 can display extensive status and diagnostic in-
formation, which can be particularly helpful, especially for wiring
and troubleshooting.
6.6.1. Display software version & track voltage
The „Information” panel displays both the hardware („HW”) as
well as the software („SW”) version of the decoder. The supply
voltage („Voltage”) of the outputs is also displayed.
Time : 260ms
If the SwitchPilot 3 is powered directly by the command station,
„Voltage” displays the digital track voltage, otherwise the voltage
of the connected power supply.
6.6.2. Displaying output states
Important information about the output state is provided by the
„Output State” panel
a) Number of the output
b) Output terminal „Out A” active
c) Output terminal „Out B” active
The PHY line indicates for each output 1 to 4 whether it is current-
ly active. As soon as the state changes (e.g.: when an alternate
flasher is active or because an output is switched off by the timer),
this is displayed in real time.
If the fade-in and fade-out feature is active for an output, the
output is immediately displayed as active, even if it is still fading-
in or -out.
The line CMD shows the latest command received for each output
1 to 4: A bar to the left directly below the number indicates that
the command „Red” was received from the command station, a
bar to the right of it indicates that the last command was „Green”.
If no valid command has been detected, only dots are displayed.
The SwitchPilot 3 saves the most recently detected commands so
that the last operating state is restored after a power interruption.
HW : 3.0
FW : 3.0.9
Voltage : 17.3V
1 2 3 4
CMD .».»»..»
PHY .».....»