Decoder settings
The LokProgrammer 53451 / 53452 offers the easiest and most
comfortable way of setting the CVs of the LokSound decoders
simply by a few mouse clicks.
You can access all properties of ESU decoders with the LokPro-
grammer. You even can erase the sound and download a new
soundpackage. Please see our website for more details.
3.4. Setting up your LokSound
3.4.1. Address Settings
Each LokSound decoder requires a definite address to be address-
able for the central unit. Depending on the type of decoder and
the digital system, there are several possibilities how to allocate
addresses. The LokSound may be setup to listen to either the pri-
mary address (also called “short” address), which provides a range
of 1 to 127 or the extended (“long”) address, which has a range
of up to 9999. Based on your preferences and your command sta-
tion’s capabilities, you may select either the primary address or the
extended address for usage. Be aware that some DCC systems do
not support the full range of available addresses.
Bit 5 in CV 29 switches between short and long address. The de-
coder can only respond to one address at a time. If CV 29, Bit 5 is
cleared, the decoder listens to the primary address stored in CV 1.
If CV 29, Bit 5 is set, the decoder listens to the extended address
stored in CV 17 AND CV 18. Primary Address
Normally you would control LokSound decoders with the short
address that is stored in CV 1. In DCC mode, the permitted values
range from 1 to 127. In order to enable the decoder to “listen“ to
the short address you must delete bit 5 in CV 29.
Some digital systems (e.g.: ROCO® Lokmaus2, Lenz® digital plus,
Lenz compact) only support the values 1 – 99 as short addresses. Extended Address
Programming on the Main (also called “Operations Mode pro-
gramming”) enables you to program your decoders comfortably
without having to remove the locomotive from the layout. In this
case, the command station talks directly to the decoder by using
its locomotive address, for instance:
“Locomotive number 50, write the value 7 into CV 3!“. Thus
knowing the locomotive address is a precondition. Unfortunately,
you cannot read CV values using this mode. Service Mode Programming
This programming mode usually requires the locomotive to be
placed on a special programming track output of the command
station. CV’s can only be read on the service track unless your DCC
command stations supports RailCom®. You can also reprogram
the locomotive address without knowing the old address since the
command station simply transmits the command “Write value 7
in CV 3!“.
Each decoder receiving this command will execute it.
In order to be able to read back the CV values from your decoder,
the motor terminals must be properly connected to the motor. The
motor is used to produce the “feedback” current pulse detected
by the command station.
3.1.5. Programming procedure using various DCC systems
As each DCC system is different, the procedure for changing a CV
will vary depending upon the system. We are very sorry that we
are unable to provide detailed instructions to cover every system
on the market. We need to assume that you are familiar with your
system. Please consult your DCC system manual for detailed speci-
fication. We tested the LokSound with almost every DCC system
available on the market (as of end of 2010), so there should not
be any general problem.
3.1.6. Programming with the ESU LokProgrammer