1. Introduction
Congratulations on your purchase of LedSonic
! Welcome to experience the
4 in 1 therapy
effects of LedSonic
How does Ultrasonic works?
The application of ultrasonic frequency is commonly used by salon and clinic
professionals but now it is reach of the home user by using LedSonic
. It offers
safe and effective facial toning treatment in the comfort of your own home. It
can plump up and smoothen the fine lines and winkles, skin tightening, shrink
enlarged pores, relieve puffy eyes, improve the dark eye circles, deep penetrate
the skin care products, stimulation of cellular metabolism, improvement and
reduction of scars, freckles, age spots and redness. The process is safe,
painless and gentle for skin care treatment.
What is the difference between 1MHz and 5MHz?
Generally, lower ultrasonic frequencies will penetrate deeper below the skin.
Thus, the 1MHz mode is designed for tissues and muscles are thicker (i.e.
cheeks, chin ……etc.). The 5MHz ultrasonic mode is appropriate for treatment
around the most delicate and thinner area (i.e. under eyes circle, temple,
forehead and both sides of the nose)
How does the ultrasonic treatment offers the improvement of skin?
When ultrasound absorbed by muscle, tendons and bone, the harder surfaces
like bone will absorb and reflect ultrasound energy. This in turn dramatically
increases needed oxygen to the cells and aids in the removal of waste
products. This antibacterial cleansing action also helps to improve the acne
and blemishes. The skin then only left feeling instantly energized, firm, tighten
up, refreshed and noticeably softer – even after just one application. (See Fig.1)
The intensive rejuvenating cyclic sound waves penetrate below the skin
reaching the dermis. Generally, 1MHz frequency mode will penetrate deeper
below the skin. It is designed for face (except under eye circle and around the
eyes areas) and body where tissues and muscles are much thinner. The 5MHz
frequency mode is appropriate for treatment around the eyes which is the most
delicate area. With using the skin care products, the ultrasound can penetrates
the ingredients deep into the skin. It can maximize the effects of your skin care
Fig. 1
How does the light therapy by LedSonic
LED photobiomodulation was originally discovered by NASA about 40 years
ago to stimulate plant growth. Specific wavelengths stimulate specific
responses in the body. Red light therapy was found to encourage cell repair and
healing. Blue light therapy was also found to effective in treating acne vulgaris.
The FDA approved blue light therapy for acne treatment in August 2002.
uses a super-luminous LED array to deliver concentrated beams of
red light for fractional phototherapy effect. The light therapy by LedSonic
very gentle and effectively treatment can be performed at home.
How does the Red light therapy works?
Specific wavelengths of red light (660nm) help boost overall cellular energy.
These approaches to skin renewal rely on high-powered coherent red LEDS to
create heat energy which can result in phototherapy effect to tissues. Cellular
activity and energy levels fall as we age.
With the delivery of the 660nm light wavelength, the dermal cells receive a
rejuvenating, anti-aging boost from the light energy.
This safe, painless, natural healing process converts light energy within skin
cells, very similar to the way photosynethesis takes sunlight and turns it into
food energy in plants.