Revised: 30 Jun 08
What is the speed and duplex configuration on the Model 195Ed – The Model 195Ed is an auto-negotiation full/half-duplex 10/100
Base-T interface. Ether a cross-over or patch cable is supported.
Access Point Repeater Mode
If I am unable to communicate with any of the remote sites, what is the most common cause? - The most common cause a
communication problems with the 195Ed is that the SSID was entered incorrectly for the radio network. The 195Ed uses the SSID
to set the frequency hopping pattern and it must be the same on all modems.
How long does it take to re-establish the Wireless Ethernet Network? - If a communication link is lost and the Wireless Network
needs to re-establish the repeater routes, the time can take up to 30 seconds.
Should the AP Repeater Mode be used on mobile equipment? - The AP Repeater mode should be used on equipment that will not
change the Repeater Route as it moves. For example, if a mobile device such as a crane can communicate directly to another
ESTeem and will not loose the link in its travel, the AP Repeater Mode could be used. If the device requires two ESTeem Model
195Ed’s (Base and Repeater) to maintain communication across its complete travel, the Station Modes should be used on the
mobile device. The problem will be in the time that the mobile ESTeem will take to transfer between the two sites. In Access Point
Repeater mode the transfer can take up to 30 seconds, while the EtherStation mode will transfer without a packet loss.
Does WEP have to be used? – The WEP does not have to be enabled for the modems to communicate, but all modems must be
configured the same way.
Correct configuration, but cannot establish communications. – In addition to the network configuration, all 195Ed modems
configured in the AP mode must share the same SSID and be on the same frequency channel. The most likely cause of the error is
the WLAN MAC address is not configured in both 195Ed’s repeater tables. If only one side is configured, everything will appear
to be correct but no communication will function.
How do I access the Model 195Ed web page in EtherStation Mode? The Model 195Ed does not have an active web browser when
configured in EtherStation mode. You must access the ESTeem with the ESTeem Discovery Program or through the RS-232 port
after configuration in this mode. To monitor the link status, you can use the EtherStation Status program.
What IP address do I configure the ESTeem in EtherStation mode? – The Model 192E will not have an IP address in EtherStation
I can not link my device into the wireless network – Verify that the MAC address of the device is exactly the same as configured in
the Model 195Ed. The MAC address must have colons between the values.
Can I connect my Model 195Ed in EtherStation mode to a HUB or Ethernet Switch? – No. The modem must be connected directly
to the Ethernet device for which it is programmed. In EtherStation mode the Model 195Ed can only service ONE Ethernet device.