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If the cooker is finished in the ‘Matte Black’ painted finish, additional care
must be taken not to use any chemicals or abrasive cleaners. Use a light
brush or lint free cloth instead.
If the cooker is not going to be used for an extended period of time, we
advise that the cooker be cleaned thoroughly, the ovens and hotplate can be
wiped over with a light coating of rapeseed oil, and the doors left slightly
ajar. If any rust does form it can be removed with a wire brush and a fresh
coating of rapeseed oil should be applied.
During the life of your cooker it may be necessary to adjust the door handles
and change the door ropes. The door handles can be adjusted using the
adjustment screw on the lift up latch part of the handle. A video on how to
adjust the door handle is on the ESSE TV section of
Replacement door ropes can also be purchased form
Always carry out cleaning procedures when the cooker is out and has been
allowed to cool sufficiently to avoid burns. With time and experience you will
be able to gauge the intervals between flue way cleaning more accurately. It
will vary depending on the quality of your firewood and performance of your
flue. Take time to get to know your cooker and inspect it at regular intervals
for the first 6 months.
The target style hotplate can be removed using the supplied tool to allow for
cleaning of the internal flue way.
Figure 9 Hotplate Removed Showing Internal Flue Way