Thanking you for the purchase of MatrixOne and confiding that the unit will fully satisfy your needs
giving you also, in the meantime, increasing great satisfactions, ESS invites you to read this quick
guide to the principal characteristics and functions. It will be possible to deepen every issue directly
by consulting the on-line guide on MatrixOne, with relative films, to which you may accede, with
your operative unit, through the pressure of the HELP key, situated in the bottom right of the frontal
MatrixOne is a powerful and versatile MIDI/Audio workstation that integrates:
MIDI Player with non destructive editing functions. Imports min and kar formats and is
compatible with Kar, Tune1000, M-live and Soltron text formats.
Audio Player/Recorder with editing functions. The formats supported are wav, mpeg 1/2/3,
ogg and mod. Mp3 text file format interpreted is “lyr200 tag”. Available also Time
Stretching/Pitch Shifting of high quality. Possibility to record up to 8 audio traces in
synchrony with a MIDI song.
Mixer 4 input mono XLR/Jack, with auto gain and singularly regulated SFX.
Loop audio Player, recordable or imported, always accessible through 9 intuitive pads.
Expander, for keyboard connected via MIDI, independent with possibility to easily create
layers (keyboard areas) and assign different instruments to any of the 4 zones available.
256 voices sound generator. Supports up to 4 sound fonts (SF2) contemporaneously and
individually assignable also on the traces of a single MIDI song.
Arranger of easy and intuitive use, with support for styles in "sty” format.
We also underline:
Colour 10.4" 640x480 display touch screen. It is recommended to apply the usual norms of
use for touch screen display (i.e. use of plastic object with smooth rounded point or normal
items for this types of display, in alternative to finger pressure, but never use metallic or
pointed objects). Proper and due care must be applied, of course, also to the whole unit.
Presence of available effects for audio entries (Reverb / Chorus / Compressor / Simulator of
guitar amplifier including drive regulation / Delay), with possibility of new implementations in
following SW versions.
Audio reproduction through codec 24 bit 44.1 KHz, internal sound elaboration at 32bit.
Possibility to tilt the unit in 3 positions, in order to optimize the view.
Operative system written on flash card protected from writing.
Wide availability of connecting ports (4 USB 2.0 / Lan Ethernet 10/100 / LPT (to import
songs from Charlie Lab Megabeat Pro) / Serial Port / VGA video output and Composite
Video etc.), due to the use of a Mini ITX motherboard.
"Real time" performance for almost all functions.
CD Audio “IMPORT” function (CDA grabbing).