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again in the late 40's and 50's. As the original masters were normally used, the re-release will require the
flat Rolloff even though the label states NAB or Orthoacoustic! This is also true for post-WW II 78's. Take a
RCA-Vic tor 78 of G len n M iller, wh ich wa s o rigina lly rec orde d in the 30's o n B lue bird or Victo r, and you will
find th at a Ro lloff of F LA T or -5 w ill suffic e. M an y of the co m pe ns ato r settin gs sp ec ified in va rious old
tables would have stated that -10, or the AES setting was the proper Rolloff to use. Try playing many Lp
reissues of 78's, as on RCA Bluebird, with the Flat Rolloff position and you will be in for a pleasant
Also, many small recording company and radio station engineers seemingly didn't understand recording
and playback curves and often employed no pre-emphasis on recordings labeled as NAB. This has been
found to occur comm only, even on discs cut into the 1960's!
You may find many discs that do not fit the tables or discs that do but for whom the table is ambiguous.
On these, you will have to let your ear be your guide and also try to determine if the manufacturer could be
W estern Electric, Columbia, or non-US. These tended to use 300 HZ Turnover. Listening to the material
will often suffice to impres s you whether to use 3 00 Hz or 500 Hz. Onc e the low end is determ ined try
various Rolloffs. Almost all early electrical recordings were recorded with flat response. If noise proves a
problem try m ore than the recom m ended R olloff.
W he n playing olde r or abus ed rec ords tha t requ ire less R olloff, i.e ., Flat, -5, -10 , a s ign ifican t inc reas e in
noise level will often be noticed due to surface noise. In these cases, a high frequency, lo-pass, hi-cut, or
"scratch" filter is recomm ended. Don't forget that when playing a flat cut record with an RIAA preamp, you
are actually effectively using a scratch filter that is some 13.7 db down at 10 KHz. On these types of
records, with let's say a 7.5 KHz scratch filter and the
se t to F LA T, you will be gain ing in
highs be twee n 2.2 KH z and 7.5 K hz. Altho ugh the s cratch filter is e m ployed , its use in com bination with
will result in significantly more highs than with a standard RIAA preamp and not using
the filter.
W hen playing vertica l-cut re cords, s uch as E diso n or P athe , be s ure to switc h on e pa ir of lead s (no n-ea rth
ground) of a stereo cartridge used for play. If this is not done, the channels will largely cancel when the
is switched to “IN,” resulting in very low volume.
Max input s ign al level:
3.5 volts (+12 dbm)
TH D a t m ax o utpu t :
0 .0 2%
Freque ncy Resp onse (R IAA com pensa tion):
20 - 2 0 KH z + .5 db
Sign al-to-N oise relative m ax o ut:
85 db
Please inform Esoteric Sound of any errors that you find in the equalization tables. If you have any
additional equalization inform ation, please bring it to our attention so that it can be included in the future
**** WAR RAN TY ****
This unit is w arrante d to perfo rm pro pe rly fo r on e year fro m date o f pu rchase . All p arts a nd labor is
covered. Sh ould the unit malfunction, return it properly packed, and with paymen t of $10.00 to cover return
postage, and it will be repaired and returned as soon as possible.
Foreign purchasers are requested to remove the
from its cabinet (if purchased) and
return the unit along with payment of $40.00 via surface shipping. W e will return the unit via the same