Basic Trouble Shooting
Rev November 2019
Copyright © 2019 Equipment Source Inc.
Page 23 of 30
Table 4. Burner Trouble Shooting Guide
Burner cycling (frequently
starting and stopping during
normal operation)
Check for flow restrictions in the inlet or outlet ducts
Reduce duct lengths or increase duct diameters
Reduce the firing rate
Red LED is on
The controller has been locked out because of a flame, fuel or
controller failure. Press the reset button for one second to
reset controller.
If the burner begins running again but the fuel pressure gauge
fluctuates, check fuel level and/or check for vacuum leaks in the
pickup tubes.
If the LED immediately returns to red, the controller may have
failed. Replace with a Carlin 60200 controller.
Amber LED is blinking
Momentarily disconnect one of the yellow wires connected to
the “FF” terminals on the controller.
If the amber light stays on, replace the controller.
Red and Amber LEDs are off
but the burner fails to start
NOTE: Fan must be running for
burner to start
Reset the reset the heat exchanger over-temperature safety.
If resetting fails, test the control loop connected to the TT
terminals by disconnecting one wire and testing with an
Ohmmeter while the main fan is running and the burner switch
is on.
If continuity in the circuit is broken, check sensors and wiring.
If continuity in the control circuit is OK, check the burner circuit
Check power wiring and voltage if necessary.
Fan Trouble Shooting
Table 5. Fan Trouble Shooting Guide
Motor overload trips
Reset motor overload and continue operation
Motor overload repeatedly
Check and grease motor and fan bearings. Replace
bearings/motor if worn or seized
Check fan belt alignment
Replace motor overload heaters in the motor starter box
Fan belt wears quickly
Check belt alignment and tension