6xx Series IPPhone
Escene Communication Co.,Ltd
3. If you want to use this file to auto-provision, you just need to modify it by
yourself and rename it to the MAC address of your IP Phone with .xml suffix.
Extern.xml file on TFTP/HTTP/HTTPS/FTP Server
The Extern.xml includes the settings of programmable buttons on the phone and all
Expansion Modules. All the phones can download the settings from a same file and
they will have the same settings (for example, Speed-dial, BLF and so on).
*You can’t rename the file on the provisioning server. The file name is fixed to
Account1_Extern.xml.(Account1 is the first account you register)
Phonebook on TFTP/HTTP/HTTPS/FTP Server
Escene IP phone supports Enterprise Phonebook and Personal Phonebook.
Enterprise Phonebook:
Enterprise Phonebook is used for all staffs in your office. All phones will download a
common phonebook for all staffs. The file’s name must be
on your provisioning server and you can not rename it.
Personal Phonebook:
Personal Phonebook is individual for each IP phone. The file on your provisioning
server is named by the first account of your IP phone. If the IP phone’s first account is
1287, the Personal Phonebook of this phone is
Automatic Provisioning using DHCP Option 66
The following steps will descript auto-provision by TFTP. You also can use HTTP
and FTP for auto-provision with our phones.
DHCP Server: (Microsoft Windows 2003 server)